মঙ্গলবার, ১৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

After glitches and delays, Endeavour finally reaches its new home

It was built for orbital speeds approaching five miles per second, but space shuttle Endeavour took its own sweet time Sunday as it wheeled triumphantly onto the grounds of its new home, the California Science Center.

"Mission 26 ? mission accomplished," Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced, amid the cheers of thousands of spectators. Before it was retired by NASA, the spacecraft had logged 25 flight missions.

However, its final journey was slowed by unexpected maintenance issues and last-minute maneuvers to avoid obstacles like trees and utility poles. Ultimately, the 85-ton orbiter survived the trip with nary a scratch.

PHOTOS: Endeavour rolls through streets of L.A.

Endeavour arrived at Exposition Park more than 16 hours late, after a three-day, 12-mile journey from Los Angeles International Airport.

In preparation for the move, the city of Los Angeles felled 268 trees to make room for Endeavour's wings, while public works crews temporarily removed 223 traffic signals and raised more than 100 power and utility lines. Shuttle transporters designed a complex series of zigzag, crab-like movements to move the craft down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to avoid harming pine trees planted in honor of the late civil rights leader.

Even so, the journey was halted repeatedly so crews could do last-minute trims on tree branches. At one point, workers lowered the shuttle so it could sneak under the branches of a leafy tree.

The trip was also lengthened when a two-hour maintenance stop in Leimert Park on Saturday night stretched to five hours. As it began rolling again, crews spotted a hydraulic leak from one of the wheeled trailers under the spacecraft and hit the brakes.

Despite the delays, the crowds remained buoyant. When Endeavour reached the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Vermont Avenue about 10:45 a.m., thousands of people poured into the streets chanting "Science Center or bust!", "Let's go, let's go!" and "So close, so close!"

The Los Angeles Police Department reported no arrests, although some spectators suffered heat exhaustion and other injuries.

Many spectators waited through the night or rose long before dawn for their chance to view a piece of history. Some were still clad in pajamas and bathrobes as the shuttle passed through their neighborhoods early in the morning.

Guy Quesada, 42, began his stakeout at the California Science Center at 4 p.m. Saturday. But after hours of waiting, he decided to find the shuttle on his own. He walked west on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard for about an hour and squeezed through the crowd to catch a glimpse. By Sunday morning, he had wandered back east to the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and 6th Avenue, where he watched the shuttle through a pair of binoculars.

"The actual wing was right over us. It [crept] right over us," Quesada said, smiling. He said he was close enough to read the numbers on the shuttle's individual tiles.

Donna Rosen, 61, drove from Santa Clarita at 4 a.m. Sunday to walk alongside the shuttle for a few hours. For her, the mission was partly personal. In the early 1980s she had worked in the governor's office in Texas and met shuttle astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen.

"I didn't know it was on my bucket list, but it's one of the coolest things I've ever seen," Rosen said.

The California Science Center said the total bill for transporting Endeavour from LAX to its new home could top $10 million, a tab the center is covering with donations. Officials have stressed that none of the costs will be paid with taxpayer dollars.




Times staff reporters Frank Shyong, Joseph Serna, Wesley Lowery, Angel Jennings and Kate Mather contributed to this story.

Source: http://feeds.latimes.com/~r/latimes/news/science/~3/jtk4w15YR3k/la-me-shuttle-arrives-20121015,0,5842023.story

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Endeavour finally reaches permanent L.A. museum home

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Space shuttle Endeavour was finally lodged at its retirement home Monday following a slow weekend parade through city streets that turned out to be a logistical headache.

After a 12-mile weave past trees and utility poles that included thousands of adoring onlookers, flashing cameras and even the filming of a TV commercial, Endeavour arrived at the California Science Center Sunday ? about 17 hours behind schedule.

It sat on the grounds of the museum for several more hours before finally moving toward a hangar.

"It's just a crazy thing that we did but we pulled it off," said Kenneth Philips, curator of aerospace science at the museum.

Movers had planned a slow trip, saying the shuttle that once orbited at more than 17,000 mph would move at just 2 mph in its final voyage through Inglewood and southern Los Angeles.

But that estimate turned out to be generous, with Endeavour often creeping along at a barely detectable pace when it wasn't at a dead stop due to difficult-to-maneuver obstacles like tree branches and light posts.

Despite the holdups, the team charged with transporting the shuttle felt a "great sense of accomplishment" when it made it onto the museum grounds, said Jim Hennessy, a spokesman for Sarens, the contract mover.

"It's historic and will be a great memory," he said. "Not too many people will be able to match that ? to say, 'We moved the space shuttle through the streets of Inglewood and Los Angeles.'"

Transporting Endeavour cross-town was a costly feat with an estimated price tag of $10 million, to be paid for by the science center and private donations.

Late Friday, crews spent hours transferring the shuttle to a special, lighter towing dolly for its trip over Interstate 405. The dolly was pulled across the Manchester Boulevard bridge by a Toyota Tundra pickup, and the car company filmed the event for a commercial after paying for a permit, turning the entire scene into a movie set complete with special lighting, sound and staging.

Saturday started off promising, with Endeavour 90 minutes ahead of schedule. But accumulated hurdles and hiccups caused it to run hours behind at day's end.

Some 400 trees had been removed along the route, but officials said most of the trees that gave them trouble could not be cut down because they were old or treasured for other reasons, including some planted in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

The crowd had its problems too. Despite temperatures in the mid-70s, several dozen people were treated for heat-related injuries after a long day in the sun, according to fire officials.

But it was a happy, peaceful crowd, with firefighters having only to respond to a sheared hydrant and a small rubbish fire, and no reports of any arrests.

At every turn of Endeavour's slow-speed commute through urban streets, spectators jammed intersections as the shuttle shuffled past stores, schools, churches and front yards through the working-class streets of southern Los Angeles. Sidewalks were off-limits due to Endeavour's enormous wingspan.

Endeavour's arrival in Los Angeles was a homecoming. It may have zipped around the Earth nearly 4,700 times, but its roots are solidly grounded in California. Its main engines were fashioned in the San Fernando Valley. The heat tiles were invented in Silicon Valley. Its "fly-by-wire" technology was developed in the Los Angeles suburb of Downey. In 1991, it rolled off the assembly line in the Mojave Desert to replace Challenger, which blew up during liftoff in 1986.

It was scheduled to go on display starting Oct. 30.


Follow Alicia Chang at http://twitter.com/SciWriAlicia

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/endeavour-finally-reaches-permanent-la-museum-home-212022512--finance.html

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সোমবার, ১৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Americans Get Fatter, Drunker

Lost in the U.S. health care debate is whether the country's citizens are hurting themselves with bad habits. The bottom line is mixed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Americans are imbibing alcohol and overeating more yet are smoking less (black lines in center graphs).

Some of the behaviors have patterns; others do not. Obesity is heaviest in the Southeast (2010 maps). Smoking is concentrated there as well. Excess drinking is high in the Northeast.

Comparing 2010 and 1995 figures provides the greatest insight into trends (maps, far right). Heavy drinking has worsened in 47 states, and obesity has expanded in every state. Tobacco use has declined in all states except Oklahoma and West Virginia. The ?good? habit, exercise, is up in many places?even in the Southeast, where it has lagged.

Full details for each state are available at ScientificAmerican.com/oct2012/graphic-science

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=9577118bc5817b344dcbe36227b6c782

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Web Marketing: Make Yourself Known In The Digital World - First

Web Marketing: Make Yourself Known In The Digital World

Many businesses increase the sales of their services and products with a tool called Online marketing. Advertising and SEO are both parts of Internet promotion that will work. Apply the advice from this article to help you on your way to success with online marketing.

Be sure your site?s content is up-to-date as it can be. Outdated information will make you look lazy and unprofessional, reducing your chance at a sale. Fresh, new content will attract readers and increase your ranking within the search engines, too.

Make sure you have a good logo even if you are a small company. Both of these are great brand builders that help potential customers differentiate you from the sea of other businesses out there. Customers tend to remember catchy slogans for quite a while. When it comes to decision-making time, having a catchy tag line might just be what secures your customer?s purchase.

Advertising is necessary to sell anything, whether online or not. It is worth the money in the long run because advertising your business will play a huge role in how much business you receive. Doing so can bring in business that is difficult to find in other ways.

A feedback box at the bottom of an ad copy can be implemented, allowing consumers to provide you with information as to why they chose not to purchase from you on that day. Take the information received and adjust accordingly, if applicable. If there was an issue, contact the customer and try to correct it.

Present limited time offers. This can include free shipping to your first 1000 customers or gift-wrapping to those that buy something prior to a specific date. This helps to form urgency, which can attract new customers.

An excellent web-traffic generating tactic is to publish online press releases. A clear, concise, well-written press release can be published online on many different outlets. This is a quick and easy way to raise your visibility.

Use the word ?fast? in your advertising copy when you talk about products and purchases. Time is a valuable commodity for most people so let them know that you do everything in a timely manner.

You need to use everything you can in Internet marketing. A company that fails to take advantage of the newest technology and trends may not appear competent or credible in the eyes of prospective customers. Keeping your work up-to-date and relevant will show your customers that you know what you are doing.

Consider offering an e-freebie that represents your business or service well, and put it out there where it can reach the masses. If you have an e-book, give it to free e-book websites. Various websites are available that provide articles, free items, e-zines and e-books, and you can submit your item to a number of these sites.

If you get disheartened with affiliate marketing, do not throw in the towel. You might just be doing one or two things wrong that you could easily change. Make sure you are organized and have everything ready when you are trying to sell your products or services. At times, this can take a lot of effort. No matter how arduous this journey may be, always keep in mind that your efforts will pay off.

If you are promoting your small business through website marketing, make sure to pay close attention to the type of information you are providing consumers. Strive to make your content valuable and unique. Teach your visitors something about you or your business, and keep the content regularly updated to ensure repeat visitors.

In conclusion, many businesses use Web marketing to sell products and services. Online marketing uses methods such as search engine optimization and advertising to generate sales interest. If you remember the advice in this article, you can use Internet promotion to seriously boost interest in your own products and services

Source: http://kurttasche.com/internet-marketing-articles/web-marketing-make-yourself-known-in-the-digital-world.html

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Assad forces accused of using cluster bombs as rebels gain

BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian government forces have dropped Russian-made cluster bombs over civilian areas in the past week as they battle to reverse rebel gains on a strategic highway, Human Rights Watch said on Sunday.

Rebels surrounded an army garrison on Sunday near a northwestern town, in the latest push to seize more territory in a province near the Turkish border, opposition activists said. Rebels also posted video on the Internet purportedly showing a fighter jet they had shot down in the area the previous day.

Several hundred soldiers were trapped in the siege of a base in Urum al-Sughra, on the main road between the contested city of Aleppo, Syria's commercial and industrial hub, and Turkey.

"Rebels attacked an armored column sent from Aleppo to rescue the 46th Regiment at Urum al-Sughra and stopped it in its tracks," Firas Fuleifel, one of the activists told Reuters by phone from Idlib province, west of Aleppo. He said the jet was shot down while trying to provide air support to the column.

Rebels say they have been extending their control on the rugged agricultural province throughout the past week, capturing several towns on the border and making gains in the al-Rouge plain west of the city of Idlib, the provincial capital.

The province is the main base and supply route for rebels fighting urban warfare against Assad's forces for control of Aleppo, a city of several million people that could determine the course of the 18-month rebellion against Assad.


New York-based Human Rights Watch said cluster bombs were dropped from planes and helicopters near the main north-south highway running through Maarat al-Numan, a town rebels seized last week cutting the route from Damascus to Aleppo.

HRW previously reported Syrian use of cluster bombs in July and August, but the renewed strikes indicate the government's determination to regain strategic control in the northwest.

Cluster munitions drop hundreds of bomblets on a wide area, designed to kill as many people as possible. Human rights groups say their use near civilian homes can be a war crime.

More than 100 nations have banned their use under a convention which became international law in 2010, but Syria has not signed it, nor have Russia, China or the United States.

Towns targeted included Maarat, Tamanea, Taftanaz and al-Tah. Cluster bombs have also been used in other areas in Homs, Aleppo and Latakia provinces, and near Damascus, HRW said.

"Syria's disregard for its civilian population is all too evident in its air campaign, which now apparently includes dropping these deadly cluster bombs into populated areas," said Steve Goose, arms director at HRW.

HRW said it learned initially about the latest use of the weapons from videos released by opposition activists and had confirmed it in interviews with residents in two towns. It had no information on casualties. The bombs were Russian-made, but it was not known how or when Syria acquired them, it said.

Residents from Taftanaz and Tamanea - both near Maarat al-Numan - told HRW interviewers that helicopters had dropped cluster munitions on or near their towns last Tuesday.

One that hit Tamanea scattered bomblets between two schools, a resident was quoted as saying in the HRW report. People were taking away unexploded bomblets as souvenirs.

"The cluster munition strikes and unexploded ordnance they leave behind pose a huge danger to civilian populations, who often seem unaware how easily these submunitions could still explode," HRW's Goose said.

Syrian government officials were not immediately available to comment on the HRW report. The official state news agency said on Sunday that loyalist forces had killed dozens of "terrorists" in Aleppo, and had captured rockets.


The United Nations peace envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, was due in Tehran later on Sunday for talks with Iranian officials, Iranian media reported. Brahimi, who took over the mediator job after former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan quit in frustration, will meet President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Shi'ite Iran is the main ally in the region of Assad, a member of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said this week Brahimi would visit Syria soon to urge Assad to call a ceasefire.

The anti-Assad uprising has been led by the Sunni Muslim majority and is backed by Sunni-ruled Arab states and by Turkey, also led by a party with its roots in Sunni Islamist politics. NATO member Ankara has increasingly taken on a leadership role in the international coalition ranked against Assad.

Turkish confrontation with Syria increased in the past two weeks because of cross-border shelling and escalated on October 10 when Ankara forced down a Syrian airliner en route from Moscow, accusing it of carrying Russian munitions for Assad's military.

Russia has said there were no weapons on the plane and that it was carrying a legal shipment of radar equipment. The incident threatens to cause a crisis in strategically important Russian-Turkish relations after both countries worked to keep disagreement over Syria from ruining wider ties.

Syria said on Saturday it was banning flights by Turkish aircraft over its air space. The move was largely symbolic, as Turkey has already told its airlines not to fly over Syria because of the risk of retaliation.

In remarks indicating criticism of Moscow, which has blocked U.N. Security Council resolutions on Syria, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told a conference in Istanbul on Saturday: "The U.N. Security Council has not intervened in the human tragedy that has been going on in Syria for 20 months.

"There's an attitude that encourages, gives the green light to, Assad to kill tens or hundreds of people every day."

The bloodshed has worsened markedly in the past two months although neither side has been able to gain a distinct advantage. Combat has been reported nationwide but the crucial strategic battles are being fought in an arc through western Syria, where most of the population lives.

Assad's forces still control the city of Idlib on a main highway linking Aleppo to the port of Latakia, making the route an important rebel target.

"Lots of roadblocks of Idlib have been taken out. Rebel focus is now on supplying the Aleppo highway," said Abu Ali, an activist using an alias.

After four days of heavy fighting in the town of Azmarin on the Turkish border, the rebels appeared to have a fragile hold.

"Praise be, the town is now in our hands ... We have raised two flags inside the town and the battles are over. Azmarin is completely under our control," one resident, who did not want to be named, told Reuters by telephone from inside the town.

A few kilometers (miles) along the border, clashes continued in the Syrian town of Darkush, where the crack of gunfire and sporadic sound of shelling could be heard from Turkey.

(Additional reporting by Nick Tattersall and Ece Toksabay in Istanbul, Jonathon Burch on the Turkey-Syria border and Yeganeh Torbati in Dubai; Writing by Peter Graff; Editing by Alison Williams and Alastair Macdonald)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/turkey-cites-srebrenica-appeal-action-syria-041622825.html

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রবিবার, ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

State zero-rates VAT on wheat, bread | Zambia Daily Mail

GOVERNMENT has proposed to zero-rate bread and wheat for value added tax (VAT) purposes and removed excise duty on some products in various sectors, to reduce the cost of living.
Minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda told Parliament yesterday that apart from keeping the cost of living in check, the move is also intended to promote domestic production of wheat products and enhance competitiveness.
Mr Chikwanda said during the 2013 budget presentation that the measures will result in a loss of more than K100 billion by government.
?I propose to increase the VAT registration threshold to K800 million per annum from the current K200 million? businesses below this new threshold that have the capacity to meet the necessary accounting requirements for VAT registered suppliers have an option to apply for voluntary registration. Government will save K164.6 billion from these measures.?
He said a standard rate for plastic polymer granules and liquid polymers, synthetic woven bags and block woven bags has been proposed, to promote competition in the production of the products which are currently exempt to tax and that Government will gain K59.6 billion.
Mr Chikwanda said the period within which a tax invoice can be used to make a VAT claim has been reduced from 12 to six months, to streamline tax administration and reduce the risk of tax fraud.
On customs and excise duty, Mr Chikwanda said government has proposed the removal of customs duty on a wide rage of mechanical and electrical machines and tools.
He said the removal of duty has also been extended to medical cameras for surgical examination and other related equipment.
Mr Chikwanda said government has further removed 10 percent excise duty on carbonated drinks and packed water, which will result in affordable drinks.
?This will spur growth in the beverage sector and contribute to the creation of opportunities for forward and backward linkages in the economy and promote employment,? he said.
He said customs duty on locomotives, carriages and rail traffic control equipment has been removed while the measure will also apply to refrigerated fishing vessels, canoes, cruise and ferry boats, among other water vessels.
Mr Chikwanda has extended the move to ambulances and motor cycles and imported modified motor vehicles as provided for in the Persons with Disabilities Act number six of 2012.
?I propose to suspend duty on equipment used for physical exercise, gymnastics and other sports equipment. I am confident that the domestic economy will develop sufficient capacity to manufacture most of sporting equipment. The removal of duty will only be for a period of three years,? he said.
He said the measure has resulted in the treasury putting back K186.2 billion into the Zambian economy.
Mr Chikwanda said tour guide services have also been zero-rated for VAT purposes.

Source: http://www.daily-mail.co.zm/?p=16778

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Taryn Manning Arrested for Violent Assault Against Makeup Artist

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/10/taryn-manning-arrested-for-violent-assault-against-makeup-artist/

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শনিবার, ১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Leaked T-Mobile roadmap has dates for LG Optimus L9, Huawei Summit, and a color refresh for the Galaxy S2

T-Mo roadmap

The folks over at TmoNews got their hands on a leaked T-Mobile US roadmap for fall, and as expected there's several Android devices in the spotlight.

First up on October 29 is a "color refresh" for the Samsung Galaxy S2. This one has our interest, because nobody is quite sure what colors will be offered. as the original already comes in black or white. 

Following closely on October 31 is the release of the Huawei Summit, a previously unknown Android phone. The specs are nowhere to be seen, but it's a pretty safe bet to say this will be an entry level handset. There's a leaked render after the break of the Summit.

Also on October 31 is the scheduled release of the LG Optimus L9 (see our hands-on). While things like 4GB of onboard storage keep this one decidedly entry-level, our impression was that it's a surprisingly nice phone. At the right price, it could make quite a splash. 

Absent is the Galaxy Note 2, but we're not going to read too much into that. A device of that caliber will likely have a special launch of its own, and not be lumped with the rest of the fall lineup. 

Of course none of this is official until it's made official, but leaks and speculation are half the fun this time of year. Click through for the leaked Huawei Summit press shot

Source: TmoNews

read more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/B1OWVPaQUFQ/story01.htm

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Jindal and Landrieu aren't running in 2012, but still trading barbs ...

WASHINGTON -- Yes, 2012 has been a nasty one in terms of political rhetoric. All you need to do is watch the negative ads inundating the TV networks in key battleground states. But not all the nasty rhetoric is coming from politicians on the ballot. Last week, Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal and Democratic Sen., Mary Landrieu had quite the verbal slugfest.

It started at a Senate committee hearing last month when Landrieu expressed frustration that Jindal hadn't worked to convince fellow congressional Republicans to support her efforts to fund FEMA's disaster fund to handle hurricanes like Hurricane Isaac.

Yet, she said, it wasn't stopping him from demanding the disaster fund be used to fund damage from Hurricane Isaac, without any local match.

Landrieu said the federal government is unlikely to waive a requirement for a 25 percent match because the storm doesn't meet the damage criteria spelled out by federal statute and suggested Jindal use the state's rainy day fund to help hard-pressed parishes pay the matching costs. "He (Jindal) did not help with a dime into that fund, but he asks for 100 percent reimbursement from it," Landrieu said.

When Jindal staffers read about her remarks, they responded angrily, saying the rainy day fund constitutionally can't be used to pay local shares of FEMA emergency funds. If the state were to help parishes, the staffers said, the money would have to come from education or health care.

"Mary Landrieu wants to cut more funding from education and healthcare to cover up for her inability to do her job in Washington," said Jindal spokesman Kyle Plotkin. "When parish presidents approach the Senator for help, she should do her job and not pass the buck."

The angry comments are setting off some speculation that Jindal, whose current term as governor ends at the end of 2015, might challenge Landrieu when she seeks a 4th term in 2014.

Jindal, who has been campaigning hard for the Romney-Ryan ticket after being considered as Romney's running mate, has previously said he will complete his second term as governor.

Source: http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/10/jindal_and_landrieu_arent_runn.html

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8 Tips for Reducing Business Expenses | BusinessBlogs Hub

I asked 8 of our article contributors to provide a helpful tip on how to reduce business expenses. The tips are provided below.

Shiny Objects

One of the best ways to reduce our expenses is to be honest with ourselves as to why we?re buying something. Asking why is important at every level of our business, whether it?s ?why am I in business?? to ?why am I buying this copier??. Research shows that we all buy emotionally, from small business to government. In a former business, we had a client give us a $7 million contract emotionally. They couldn?t decide between us and a competitor, but we were in Denver, CO and they other guys were in Detroit, MI. The managers at this company told me they knew they would enjoy traveling to Denver more than Detroit, so we got the contract. And not surprisingly we got a lot of Monday and Friday visits on their way to the mountains. If big companies buy emotionally, so do we. Never buy another shiny object without asking why first.

Charles Blakeman ? Team Nimbus West

Ask New Customers How They Heard About You

And record their response. It?s time to make your marketing and advertising accountable. For those methods that are not generating a Return on Investment, consider cancelling, downsizing or refreshing them. For example if you don?t hear ?Yellow Pages (hardcopy)? very often, feel free to downsize your Yellow Pages ad next year. Is it easy to measure response? Yes. For example in a print ad you could use a unique 0800 number, or a unique website address.

Sheldon Nesdale ? Marketing First

Cut costs to make a profit

Don?t make rash decisions without prior consultation and planning with your team, and this doesn?t necessarily have to be part of a formal process ? sometimes the best ideas come from casual conversations at the morning tea break. Your internal financial controllers see day to day fluctuations and nuances specific to you business, they may see easily implementable solutions but never had the opportunity to suggest them. The next stage should be a balanced review from external experts such as your accountant who will have less emotional connection. Make sure the cost reductions are flagged on your P and L statement and measure their impact on your bottom line at a minimum of monthly intervals. The primary goal is to ensure that the reduction in costs is resulting in an increase in profit.

Craig Garner ? Monday Morning

Reduce limit on your credit card

- Limit the use of your credit card or cut it up. Consider changing to a debit card. It?s interesting how often we ?just put it on our credit card? and everything adds up. Many small things turn into majors. Avoid overspending on frivolities by eliminating temptation. We can be inclined to purchase a few coffees with our credit card, pay for mates on Friday nights or for products we spot online. Just because we have ?plastic fantastic? doesn?t mean we should use that option: curb the credit card.

Mirjam Spronk ? Bonvivant Design/

Watch the Advertising

The biggest wasted expense in business is advertising that doesn?t work. Therefore before any business owner invests huge bucks in expensive advertising he or she should test and measure the advert in lower cost media first. Only when you know your advert is a winner do you spend mega bucks putting it in a more expensive medium.

Michael Smyth ? approachablelawyer.com

Hold on to great people

A great team is hard to come by, so if you work with a handful of people who make your job easier, don?t let them go. If you rely on contractors and suppliers, you know how valuable it is to have those select few who understand what you need immediately and deliver beyond your expectations every time. Great partnerships save you time and expense. There will always be cheaper or shinier alternatives, but the best partnerships have an undefinable dynamic that cannot be easily replicated.

Bella Katz - Bella Katz International Marketing

Review Your Contracts and Plans Every Six Months

In one 5 minute phone call I saved our business $12,000. It?s probably the most productive 5 minutes of my career. The hard part of this action is making the calls to your suppliers. As the business owner or contracts manager you need to make the calls personally so you get the best possible outcome for your business. Allocate a day/time every six months to review your contracts and plans and then work out your savings. You?ll be surprised at what you can achieve.

Donna Richardson ? Mobilize Mail

Squeeze Compressable Costs

Identify all your key costs that have the ability to be squeezed. Some costs are fixed or only small and not worth the effort. Compressable costs may be like electricity and gas, where through smarter and more efficient ways of operating coupled with the most appropriate deal you get both energy and dollar savings. Over time we become complacent and find some practices are no longer suitable, efficient or cost effective. Look for smarter more and cost effective ways to squeeze dollars out of your major compressable costs.

Richard O?Brien ? NZBizBuySell.co.nz

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  • Source: http://www.businessblogshub.com/2012/10/8-tips-for-reducing-business-expenses/

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    ?October's Signs of the Holidays? ? A Call to Action!

    By: Amy Hannold

    24/7 MOMS Frugal Living Editor

    As the first signs of the holidays arrive, there are a few things you can do to make your holidays more ?merry and meaningful?.? If you?re like me, you feel that holiday decorations arrive in stores earlier each year.? Frugalistas will use the ?October Signs of Christmas? as a call to action!? It?s time to ?pencil in? our holiday plans before the turkeys and tinsel sweep our best intentions away. Valuable resources, such as temper and energy ? as well as money, will be saved.? Best of all, you?ll be more prepared to involve your children in memorable, educational ways.


    It?s best to start with your spouse, relatives and close friends who will be a part of your holidays.? Coordinate schedules, talk about gift-giving details, etc. Synchronize your calendars to include school functions, religious services, travel time, etc.? Be sure to set aside some ?at home? family time. ??Your enthusiasm and holiday values will be reflected in your children.? Decide on your family?s focus and create a holiday you want them to remember. Build healthy and reasonable anticipations in your children about this time of year. ?Present them with your family?s holiday calendar which highlights family traditions, community activities and creative time they can look forward to. ?Include them in the planning as well, with discussions about including holiday traditions they?ve enjoyed from years past. To counter the ?I want?s?, focus on the making of gifts and the designing of decorations for your home. Research new foods and activities, as you just might discover new holiday favorites.


    Plan your giving now. Talk to your children about the gifts of time, talent, and sharing.? Giving as a family, throughout the holiday season, will demonstrate generosity?leaving less time to focus on the ?I want?s?.? Decide as a family, where you will donate this year. ?Contact the organizations and ask them about their needs and timeline for donations. For gifts of time, take your children with you when possible, or make advance childcare arrangements.? Encourage your children to think about who they are giving to.? Allow them to help choose the donations, as the project allows.


    Just as you?re budgeting your time and money for activities, be prepared for creating holiday gifts. Gifts from the heart and the time spent in making them will be remembered for years to come.? Give yourself the gift of time and space, so that you enjoy the creative process. ?On your holiday calendar, designate family craft nights/weekends for holiday preparations. Gather supplies and designate the time needed for each project. Make it a social affair, by hosting holiday craft time with your friends. It?s a good time to learn tasty recipes and fun holiday ideas.


    Whatever your traditions or beliefs on giving to your kids during the holidays, keep in mind your own budget. Remember back to your holidays and you may find the root of your giving motivations today.? Remember that whatever you give now creates expectations (these grow with your child, at the same pace!), and defines their holiday values. Whether your childhood was in prosperity or poverty, buying too much for your kids now will not reconcile that. It may in fact, continue whatever pains you from that period of your life, into theirs.


    Financially speaking, this month is a time to discuss budgets and make the lists of gifts, goodies and other holiday expenditures.? Think thoroughly, remembering last-minute gifts, postage, and added transportation costs.? . It?s a good idea now (or even earlier in the year) to alter your spending habits.? Instead of coffees, burger stops or other unnecessary expenditures, put that money towards your holiday expenses. Remind yourself of the holiday bills from last year.? Make it your goal to ring in 2013 with less holiday debt.? You may even consider ?freezing? your credit cards and spending in cash only what you?re saving from other unnecessary expenditures. Talk with your kids about their holiday gift giving. Help them decide where that money will come from (allowances, home budgets, extra chores, making gifts, etc.).


    Regarding the use of credit ? be wise. As stated earlier, make your holiday expectations reasonable for yourself and your children. MAKE the holidays merry and bright, instead of buying them. If you must use credit, find yourself the lowest interest rate (not simply the promotional rate), and if you can, transfer your debt to lower rates. Don?t consider your credit limits to be your limits.? If these limits are temptingly high, contact your bank to lower them. Be open and honest with your partner regarding your use of credit and if you see a problem on the horizon, get help now. It won?t go away and it will affect every other aspect of your family life. And, be aware of identity theft and other crime during the holidays. Be aware of your children, belongings, identity/credit, and other assets during the holidays?crime doesn?t take a holiday!


    Just as you?re budgeting your time and money for activities, be prepared for creating holiday gifts. Gifts from the heart and the time spent in making them will be remembered for years to come.? Give yourself the gift of time and space, so that you enjoy the creative process. ?On your holiday calendar, designate family craft nights/weekends for holiday preparations. Gather supplies and designate the time needed for each project. Make it a social affair, by hosting holiday craft time with your friends. It?s a good time to learn tasty recipes and fun holiday ideas.


    Have a happy, home and family holiday! ? And, please share some of your ideas for creating a ?Merry and Memorable? holiday season!

    Source: http://247moms.com/2012/10/octobers-signs-of-the-holidays-a-call-to-action/

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    DirecTV Genie DVR and interface launch with advice for the indecisive

    DirecTV Genie DVR and interface launch with five tuners, advice for the indecisive

    We got a peek at DirecTV's Genie system just a few weeks ago with promises of a system that would both suggest related shows and optionally record them unbidden. It's here, and it's being joined by some rebranding. The company's flagship HR34 DVR has been relabeled as the Genie and makes the new software its centerpiece, with those five tuners letting even the chronically uncommitted take new recommendations as seriously as they like. As before, simultaneous viewing is otherwise the biggest angle: there's support for up to eight RVU-capable TVs hooked up at once, two shows playing on one TV and up to four TVs watching the same show. You'll have to be a new subscriber to get the video recorder under the Genie moniker, although we don't see too many existing customers dropping everything to get that symbolic distinction.

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    Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/11/directv-genie-dvr-and-interface-launch-with-advice-for-indecisive/

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    শুক্রবার, ১২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

    The Iowa Statewide Interoperability Board And Alcatel-Lucent ...

    At a glance:
    o Public safety representatives experience how the sharing of multiple real-time video images
    and fast transfer of data between patrol cars and ?control center? helps responders react
    more quickly and safely
    o 4G LTE demonstration conducted using Alcatel-Lucent?s mobile broadband demonstration center

    The Iowa Statewide Interoperability Communications Systems Board and Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) have demonstrated the role of 4G LTE mobile broadband in enhancing the sharing of critical information between public safety teams.

    At the internationally acclaimed Iowa State Fair (August 13-16th, 2012) ? which attracts more than a million visitors each year from around the globe including key decision makers from the business and political world ? public safety representatives saw how an all Internet Protocol (all-IP) based 4G LTE mobile broadband network enables the lightning-fast sharing of large amounts of data and video between agencies, control
    centers and teams in the field. Fingerprint databases, medical files and more can be delivered to handheld and vehicle-based mobile devices in real-time.

    The demonstration was conducted using Alcatel-Lucent?s mobile broadband demonstration center. This vehicle houses a self-contained end-to-end 4G LTE network operating in the spectrum bands used for public safety operations. The network transmitted using an LTE base station operating in Band 14 using a 10MHz channel bandwidth in both uplink and downlink. Patrol vehicles from Polk County Sheriff?s department and RACOM, a mission-critical communications solution provider, were equipped with ?Band 14 modems?, or ?receivers? that pick up an LTE signal and link it to the devices used by emergency first responders. Multiple cameras were positioned in the mobile vehicles as well as at fixed sites inside the State Fair facility. Video
    images were taken from the cameras as the vehicles patrolled the streets and neighborhood around the fairground and five simultaneous views were shown on monitors in the patrol cars and within the demonstration center. The demonstration showcased the high speed, low latency capabilities of an LTE network enabling huge files of data as well as multiple live video images to be shared between control and
    patrol staff.

    ?The Iowa Statewide Interoperability Board is committed to promoting
    communications solutions for public safety and enhancing interoperability and
    efficiency for all public safety agencies who serve the people of Iowa. As
    such we are pleased to have the opportunity to show many of Iowa?s public
    safety representatives how commercial mobile broadband technologies can
    deliver exciting new applications and services for use in the field.?
    ?Through these demonstrations, we were able to show how vast amounts of
    information can be shared quickly among many different public safety teams.
    It is easy to see how the sharing of multiple video images can deliver the
    bigger picture, enhancing the safety of first responders serving the public.?

    ?Supplementing existing ?push to talk? radio communications, Alcatel-Lucent?s
    public safety solutions using 4G LTE mobile broadband are able to deliver
    real efficiencies for public safety agencies around the globe. With the recent
    launch of our First Responder Video solution, we have given teams even
    greater control over the amount of information they receive and how they
    receive it, to further help them respond safely to any given situation.?

    Alcatel-Lucent and Public safety
    To meet the needs of first responders, Alcatel-Lucent acts as the end-to-end system integrator to design, integrate, deploy, operate and maintain robust, resilient communication solutions. Alcatel-Lucent understands public safety requirements and brings to each project its accumulated expertise in the customization of mission-critical communications systems. A broad product portfolio provides mission-critical network solutions that reliably and efficiently interconnects all types of fixed and mobile communication networks, and provides LTE for public safety mobile broadband. Alcatel-Lucent solutions are effectively running in multiple mission-critical Public Safety networks around the world. Find out more about Alcatel- Lucent solutions for Public Safety.

    Alcatel-Lucent Iowa State Fair LTE Demonstration

    Source: http://psc.apcointl.org/2012/10/10/the-iowa-statewide-interoperability-board-and-alcatel-lucent-demonstrate-enhanced-information-sharing-for-public-safety-teams-using-4g-lte-mobile-broadband/

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    Armstrong report includes 200 pages, 26 witnesses

    Page after page of damning details.

    They came from computer records, books, media reports and, maybe most significantly, the people Lance Armstrong used to train alongside and celebrate with. The people he used to call his friends.

    Hit with a lifetime ban and the loss of all seven of his Tour de France titles, Armstrong challenged the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to give him the names of all his accusers. The agency obliged, listing 26, including 11 former teammates.

    Armstrong said he wanted to see the hard evidence that he was a doper, and USADA gave him that, too, in the form of a 200-page tome filled with vivid recollections ? the hotel rooms riders transformed into makeshift blood-transfusion centers, the way Armstrong's former wife rolled cortisone pills into foil and handed them out to the cyclists.

    The report, released Wednesday, depicts what USADA chief Travis Tygart called "the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen."

    Armstrong's attorney called it a "one-sided hatchet job."

    Either way, it serves up the most detailed, unflinching portrayal yet of Armstrong as a man who would pay virtually any price ? financially, emotionally and physically ? to win the seven Tour de France titles that the anti-doping agency has ordered taken away.

    It presents as matter-of-fact reality that winning and doping went hand-in-hand in cycling and that Armstrong was the focal point of a big operation, running teams that were the best at getting it done without getting caught. Armstrong won the Tour as leader of the U.S. Postal Service team from 1999-2004 and again in 2005 with the Discovery Channel as the primary sponsor.

    USADA said the path Armstrong chose to pursue his goals "ran far outside the rules."

    It accuses him of depending on performance-enhancing drugs to fuel his victories and "more ruthlessly, to expect and to require that his teammates" do the same. Among the 11 former teammates who testified against Armstrong are George Hincapie, Tyler Hamilton and Floyd Landis.

    In a letter sent to USADA attorneys Tuesday, Armstrong's attorney, Tim Herman, dismissed any evidence provided by Landis and Hamilton, saying the riders are "serial perjurers and have told diametrically contradictory stories under oath."

    Aware of the criticism his agency has faced from Armstrong and his legion of followers, Tygart insisted his group handled this case under the same rules as any other. Armstrong was given the chance to take his case to arbitration and declined, choosing in August to accept the sanctions instead, Tygart noted.

    "We focused solely on finding the truth without being influenced by celebrity or non-celebrity, threats, personal attacks or political pressure because that is what clean athletes deserve and demand," Tygart said.

    The report called the evidence "as strong or stronger than any case brought in USADA's 12 years of existence."

    The testimony of Hincapie, one of Armstrong's closest and most loyal teammates through the years, was one of the report's new revelations.

    "I would have been much more comfortable talking only about myself, but understood that I was obligated to tell the truth about everything I knew. So that is what I did," Hincapie said of his testimony to federal investigators and USADA.

    His two-page statement did not mention Armstrong by name. Neither did statements from three other teammates-turned-witnesses, all of whom said this was a difficult-but-necessary process.

    "I have failed and I have succeeded in one of the most humbling sports in the world," former Armstrong teammate Christian Vande Velde said. "And today is the most humbling moment of my life."

    Tygart said evidence from 26 people, including 15 riders with knowledge of the U.S. Postal Service team's doping activities, provided material for the report. The agency also interviewed Frankie Andreu, Levi Leipheimer, Jonathan Vaughters and David Zabriskie. Andreu's wife, Betsy, was another key witness. She has been one of Armstrong's most consistent and unapologetic critics.

    "It took tremendous courage for the riders on the USPS Team and others to come forward and speak truthfully," Tygart said.

    In some ways, the USADA report simply pulls together and amplifies allegations that have followed Armstrong ever since he beat cancer and won the Tour for the first time. At various times and in different forums, Landis, Hamilton and others have said that Armstrong encouraged doping on his team and used banned substances himself.

    But for those who have followed Armstrong and his story, this is a page turner. Written in a more conversational style than a typical legal document, the report lays out in chronological order, starting in 1998 and running through 2009:

    ? Multiple examples of Armstrong using drugs, including the blood-boosting hormone EPO, citing the "clear finding" of EPO in six blood samples from the 1999 Tour de France that were retested. The International Cycling Union (UCI) concluded those samples were mishandled and couldn't be used to prove anything. In bringing up the samples, USADA said it considers them corroborating evidence that isn't even necessary given the testimony of its witnesses.

    ? Testimony from Hamilton, Landis and Hincapie, all of whom say they received EPO from Armstrong.

    ? Evidence of the pressure Armstrong put on the riders to go along with the doping program.

    "The conversation left me with no question that I was in the doghouse and that the only way forward with Armstrong's team was to get fully on Dr. Ferrari's doping program," Vande Velde testified.

    ? What Vaughters called "an outstanding early warning system regarding drug tests." One example came in 2000, when Hincapie found out there were drug testers at the hotel where Armstrong's team was staying. Aware Armstrong had taken testosterone before the race, Hincapie alerted him and Armstrong dropped out of the race to avoid being tested, the report said.

    Though she didn't testify, Armstrong's ex-wife, Kristin, is mentioned 30 times in the report.

    In one episode, Armstrong asks her to wrap banned cortisone pills in foil to hand out to his teammates.

    "Kristin obliged Armstrong's request by wrapping the pills and handing them to the riders. One of the riders remarked, 'Lance's wife is rolling joints,'" the report read. Attempts to reach Kristin Armstrong were unsuccessful.

    While the arguments about Armstrong will continue among sports fans ? and there is still a question of whether USADA or the UCI has the ultimate authority to take away his Tour titles ? the new report puts a cap on a long round of official investigations. Armstrong was cleared of criminal charges in February after a federal grand jury probe that lasted about two years.

    USADA sought evidence from federal investigators, but in its report, the agency said none was ever turned over to its offices, based in Colorado Springs, Colo.

    UCI confirmed receiving the report and said it would respond to it soon, "not to delay matters any longer than necessary." It has 21 days to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

    The head of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Doug Ulman, lauded Armstrong's work as a cancer fighter. Armstrong won all his titles after overcoming testicular cancer.

    "Our longstanding concerns about the impartiality and fairness of USADA's proceeding are compounded today," Ulman said. "As a federal judge pointed out, USADA appears motivated more by publicity rather than fulfilling its mission."

    Some of the newest information ? never spelled out in detail before Wednesday ? includes a depiction of Armstrong's continuing relationship with physician and training guru Michele Ferrari. Like Armstrong, Ferrari has received a lifetime ban from USADA.

    Long thought of as the mastermind of Armstrong's alleged doping plan, Ferrari was investigated in Italy and Armstrong claimed he had cut ties with the doctor after a 2004 conviction that was later overturned. USADA cites financial records that show payments of at least $210,000 in the two years after that. It also cited emails from 2009 showing Armstrong asking Ferrari's son if he could make a $25,000 cash payment the next time they saw each other.

    "The repeated efforts by Armstrong and his representatives to mischaracterize and minimize Armstrong's relationship with Ferrari are indicative of the true nature of that relationship," the report states. "If there is not something to hide, there is no need to hide it and certainly no need to repeatedly lie about it."

    The report also went to the World Anti-Doping Agency, which also has the right to appeal, but so far has supported USADA's position in the Armstrong case.

    "We would like to commend USADA for having the courage and the resolve to keep focused in working on this difficult case for the sake of clean athletes and the integrity of sport," WADA President John Fahey said.

    ASO, the company that runs the Tour de France and could have a say in where Armstrong's titles eventually go, said it has "no particular comment to make on this subject."

    Armstrong chose not to pursue the case and instead accepted the sanction, though he has consistently argued that the USADA system was rigged against him, calling the agency's effort a "witch hunt" that used special rules it doesn't follow in all its other cases.

    His attorney, Herman, was even more pointed in his criticism. He called it "a one-sided hatchet job ? a taxpayer funded tabloid piece rehashing old, disproved, unreliable allegations based largely on axe-grinders, serial perjurers, coerced testimony, sweetheart deals and threat-induced stories."


    AP Sports Writers John Leicester in Paris, Steven Wilson in London, Graham Dunbar in Geneva, Jim Vertuno in Austin, Texas and Dave Skretta in Kansas City, Mo., contributed to this report.


    On the web: cyclinginvestigation.usada.org

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/armstrong-report-includes-200-pages-26-witnesses-084921954--spt.html

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    বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

    HBT: Ryan says Hamilton stopped dipping too soon

    Nolan Ryan spoke with ESPN Dallas about Josh Hamilton?s late season struggles. ?Ryan beat back the notion that Josh Hamilton somehow quit on the team ? which should go without saying, but whatever ? and noted that to the extent he had issues late, it was because he was simply in an unfamiliar situation and didn?t quite know how to respond.

    That seems reasonable. This, less so:

    ?His timing on quitting smokeless tobacco couldn?t have been worse. You would?ve liked to have thought that if he was going to do that that he would?ve done it in the offseason or waited until this offseason to do it. So the drastic effect that it had on him and the year that he was having up to that point in time that he did quit, you?d have liked that he would?ve taken a different approach to that. So those issues caused unrest, and it?s unfortunate that it happened and the timing was such as it was.?

    He may be right that quitting affected Hamilton adversely, but given that Major League Baseball is trying to get players to stop using smokeless tobacco right now, banning it in the minors and fining guys who use it conspicuously in the bigs, someone at the league office probably won?t care too much for this sentiment.

    Seems to me that there?s never a bad time to quit a bad habit. If the baseball suffers, it suffers. Life and health is more important.

    Source: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/10/nolan-ryan-says-josh-hamilton-picked-the-wrong-time-to-stop-dipping/related/

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    Italy PM Monti announces surprise income tax cut

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    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/italy-pm-monti-announces-surprise-income-tax-cut-065251217.html

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    Buy a restaurant, get PR? | Meld Magazine - Melbourne's ...

    WHEN Jun Ma was 21-years-old, the Chinese national dropped out of university to start up a restaurant, in the hopes it would lead to permanent residency in Australia. But as Cassie Shi reports, that plan ? and his investment ? soon went down the drain.

    Jun Ma is looking forward to today. It?s the day he won?t need to get up at 4am to drive all the way to North Melbourne from the Southeast ? just to set up his restaurant. It?s his first day back at Monash University since quitting his course to start up a business.

    ?To some extent, I felt relieved,? he says, ?It is exhausting to run a business.?

    In October 2011, Chinese-national Ma borrowed $200,000 from his parents to buy a pie and coffee restaurant in North Melbourne. The plan was to apply for an Established Business in Australia visa(subclass 845) ? ?a visa he would qualify for?after running the business for 18 months. Then after 1.5 years, he would be able to get ?permanent residence in Australia. At least, that?s what his migration lawyers told him.

    ?If I followed their instructions, the successful rate would be 100 per cent,? he recalls.

    But in July 2012 ? eight months after he had set up the restaurant ? the 845 visa was called off, with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship?saying it was ?underused?.

    He?s since closed down his restaurant.

    ?Of course I was disappointed because I had been running the business for over half a year,? he says.

    For Ma, applying for the visa had been a last resort. His mother had planned to keep their family in Australia under a State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner visa (subclass 163) ? the most popular visa type for people considering investing in Australia. But she was forced to give up the business she had set up and go back to China due to personal reasons.

    Ma took matters into his own hands. As a beneficiary of his mother?s 163 visa, he discontinued his Bachelor of Commerce degree to fully devote himself to his first business. But to no avail.

    An ?unjust? policy?

    Ma has not been the only one affected by Australian government immigration policy overhauls.

    Migrant Law Specialist Kin Wee Chua has 10 clients who had invested in businesses, only to have that option taken away. He calls the decision unjust.

    ?The change was made without any notice, without any warning for those students to start off the business,? he says.

    ?It?s just unfair.?

    Chua says 845 visas have existed since the early 90s. They were initially popular among people who held Temporary Business (Long Stay) visas (subclass 457). But in 2003, the 457 visas were replaced by State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner visas ? and from then on?applicants for 845 visas declined.

    But in the last four years, ?Chua says students have found it hard to apply for skilled migration visas due to increased, and more difficult criteria. So they turned to 845 visas instead.

    An immigration researcher at Monash University, Dr Bob Birrell, supports the decision to remove 845 visas.

    ?There were only 45 845 business visas issued to principal applicants in 2010 to 2011 and 117 in 2011 to 2012,? he says.

    ?So tiny.?

    He disagrees with the premise of the visas as well.

    ?We should not be granting a PR visa just because someone had enough money to buy a small business,? he says.

    The Australian government has introduced?Business Talent visa?(subclass 132),?Business Innovation and Investment visa (Provisional)?(subclass 188) and?Business Innovation and Investment visa (Permanent)?(subclass 888) to replace the scrapped visas.

    But Chua and other migrant lawyers want the 845 visa back. They are encouraging victims of the policy change to approach members of parliament and persuade the government to reconsider the decision.

    Back to school

    For now, Ma is just eager to go back to school. He says he is putting aside the thought of immigrating to Australia.

    Many immigrants he knows live a tiring and repetitive life. It wasn?t something he expected.

    He also notes the?big gap between the life of immigrants and locals.

    ?I want to be a student for another a year or two,? he says.

    ?If I have a degree, have knowledge, it doesn?t matter whether I am in Australia or in China.?

    Source: http://www.meldmagazine.com.au/2012/10/buy-a-restaurant-get-pr/

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