রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

APNewsBreak: Sen. Crapo won't fight DUI charge

FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2010 file photo, U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, gives his victory speech at the Republican Party election headquarters held at the Doubletree Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho. Authorities say Crapo has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 in a Washington, D.C. suburb. (AP Photo/Matt Cilley, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 2, 2010 file photo, U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, gives his victory speech at the Republican Party election headquarters held at the Doubletree Riverside Hotel in Boise, Idaho. Authorities say Crapo has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 in a Washington, D.C. suburb. (AP Photo/Matt Cilley, File)

(AP) ? U.S. Sen. Michael Crapo, the Idaho Republican arrested on suspicion of drunken driving, doesn't plan to fight the charges when he appears in court in January, a spokesman said Friday.

Meanwhile, results from a secondary blood alcohol test performed at the jail show the conservative three-term senator registered a higher level about an hour after being arrested than when he was first tested by the police officer who stopped him.

Police have said Crapo registered a blood alcohol level of 0.11 percent when he was pulled over early Sunday in the Washington suburb of Alexandria, Va., after running a red light. But a secondary test performed after Crapo was brought to the jailhouse ? the one that will be used in court ? registered at 0.14, nearly twice the legal limit, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the arrest. The official wasn't authorized to release information publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

"He does not plan to contest the charges," said Crapo spokesman Lindsay Nothern, adding that Crapo has consulted with a local Virginia attorney ahead of his Jan. 4 court hearing.

Nothern confirmed there had been a discrepancy in the blood alcohol tests, but said he was uncertain why they differed.

A blood alcohol level of 0.14 means Crapo tested 1/100 of a percentage point below the level that would have mandated jail time under Virginia law. The legal limit in Virginia, which has strict drunken driving laws, is 0.08 percent.

Crapo has apologized and taken responsibility for the incident in a statement, but he hasn't spoken publicly about the arrest. Crapo returned to Washington from Idaho on Wednesday as lawmakers pursue a solution to the looming fiscal cliff, but he wasn't immediately available to comment Friday.

A number of factors could explain the discrepancy between the preliminary breathalyzer test, performed on the street when Crapo was pulled over shortly after midnight, and the jailhouse test, conducted just before 2 a.m. The higher level at the jailhouse could indicate Crapo was drinking shortly before getting behind the wheel and his body was still absorbing the alcohol. But another possible explanation is that blood alcohol testing simply isn't a perfect science, said Michael Hlastala, a breath testing expert and former physiology professor at the University of Washington.

"It could be consistent with rising blood alcohol levels," Hlastala said. "But it just depends on the way the person was breathing, and other factors."

Alexandria police say Crapo was alone in his vehicle when he ran a red light, was pulled over and failed field sobriety tests. He was taken to the Alexandria jail and released on an unsecured $1,000 bond about 5 a.m. Sunday. Crapo is scheduled to appear in court on Jan. 4 ? the day after the start of the next Congress. Crapo was handily re-elected in 2010 and won't have to run again until 2016.

It's still not clear where Crapo was coming from when he was arrested, and the senator hasn't explained the circumstances of the arrest. Court records show Crapo residing in Southeast Washington, a short drive over the Potomac River from the historic suburb where he was arrested.

The 61-year-old's arrest two days before Christmas stunned colleagues and constituents alike, not only because of his squeaky-clean image but also because the senator, a Mormon, had said previously he abstains from alcohol, in accordance with his church's practices.

Many of Crapo's Republican colleagues, including Sen. Jim Risch, Idaho's senior senator, have come to his defense, suggesting Crapo can overcome the indiscretion and remain a viable leader. Crapo's home-state newspaper, the Idaho Statesman, ran an editorial with the headline: "We can all learn from Sen. Crapo's mistake."


Miller reported from Boise, Idaho.


Reach Josh Lederman on Twitter: http://twitter.com/joshledermanAP

Reach John Miller on Twitter: http://twitter.com/idahojohn69

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-12-28-Crapo-DUI%20Arrest/id-d13b6c84ae8644f9a775bda92b826dad

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শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Teen Fiction: 'A New Year's Hope'

This is a regular column featuring original poetry and fiction by and for teens, provided by Figment, the online community writing site for young readers and writers.

By Jina, 10th grade

"Wait, so who's that?"

"That... is Anakin when he's a little kid," the older brother, Alex, explains to his younger brother. "And that's C3PO, and that's..."

"Yeah, yeah, we know," Theo, the middle brother, snaps.

I watch them through the kitchen door. I finish stuffing the last bite of egg noodles into my mouth and look up at the clock. "7:09," flashes the green glowing letters on the LCD screen. In an hour, all my friends, including the guy I'm dating/my almost boyfriend, will be driving into the city for "First Night," and I will still be here. I'll be here until 9:00.

I walk into the living room and sit on the couch, my eyes scanning their glowing TV. They are watching "Star Wars: Phantom Menace," the first one. My older brother made my whole family watch all the "Star Wars" movies last summer, but I was at a sleepover at my friend Leanna's house when they watched this one, so I never got a chance to see it.

After about 20 minutes more of whirring light sabers and flashing blasters, I hear noise coming from upstairs, obviously coming from their youngest brother JT, who is three and supposed to be sound asleep in bed. At least, I hope it's coming from the toddler, and not from someone breaking in or something. I have no idea what JT stands for, and I think it might be spelled Jay Tee.

I open the door to his room, not to find him sleeping, but to see his whole room illuminated by his 101 Dalmatians lamp and him dancing in the middle of the room. His pants are wet. My eyes widen.

"Did you wet yourself?!" I ask. I am not prepared for this. Oh God. Please no.

"Oh no," he says simply. "I just spilled my water. Can I have somowah?"

"Oh, oh sure. Be right back," I tell him, quite relieved.

Down the stairs. Faucet on. Fill cup. Faucet off. Back up stairs. Through hall. Open door...

"Here you go," I tell him, softly patting his little blonde head. "Now go to sleep, and don't spill that again."

I sigh as I sit back down on the worn out velvety couch, back to another part of the movie I have not been following. We continue watching the movie for another hour and a half. I am almost asleep by the time the doorbell rings. The parents are back. Thank God.

I stand in their doorway, pulling on my gloves, coat, hat, and scarf. I have to walk home alone in the dark. Sheesh. I step out onto their porch. I can only see my breath out in front of me. I hear that girls get kidnapped if they aren?t careful. As I am grasping the cold metal railing to take my first step off the porch I hear the crunching of footsteps on ice coming up their little path. I suffocate my scream as I stumble down the stairs, slipping, falling, right into his arms.

He?s laughing. I?m laughing. I know it's him. I can feel his wool coat, his arms around me, his laugh. I know it all. And he knows me. Suddenly, we are quiet. The only reason I know he is still there is the white fog emitting from his mouth a few inches above my head.

Then his hand is on my cheek, and his lips are pressed against mine.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/28/teen-fiction-a-new-years-_n_2378315.html

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Fewer US banks failing as industry strengthens

In this Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012 photo, people walk past a Bank of America branch in Philadelphia. U.S. banks are closing the year with the strongest profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They're helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

In this Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012 photo, people walk past a Bank of America branch in Philadelphia. U.S. banks are closing the year with the strongest profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They're helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

In this Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012 photo, a man walks past a Wells Fargo location in Philadelphia. U.S. banks are closing the year with the strongest profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They're helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

This Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012 photo shows a Citibank in Philadelphia. U.S. banks are closing the year with the strongest profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They're helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

In this Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012 photo, a woman walks past a Wells Fargo location in Philadelphia. U.S. banks are closing the year with the strongest profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They're helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Chart shows the number of U.S. bank failures

(AP) ? U.S. banks are ending the year with their best profits since 2006 and fewer failures than at any time since the financial crisis struck in 2008. They're helping support an economy slowed by high unemployment, flat pay, sluggish manufacturing and anxious consumers.

As the economy heals from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, more people and businesses are taking out ? and repaying ? loans.

And for the first time since 2009, banks' earnings growth is being driven by higher revenue ? a healthy trend. Banks had previously managed to boost earnings by putting aside less money for possible losses.

Signs of the industry's gains:

? Banks are earning more. In the July-September quarter, the industry's earnings reached $37.6 billion, up from $35.3 billion a year earlier. It was the best showing since the July-September quarter of 2006, long before the financial meltdown. By contrast, at the depth of the Great Recession in the last quarter of 2008, the industry lost $32 billion.

? Banks are lending a bit more freely. The value of loans to consumers rose 3.2 percent in the 12 months that ended Sept. 30 compared with the previous 12 months, according to data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. More lending fuels more consumer spending, which drives about 70 percent of economic activity. At the same time, overall lending remains well below levels considered healthy over the long run.

? Fewer banks are considered at risk of failure. In July through September, the number of banks on the FDIC's confidential "problem list" fell for a sixth straight quarter. These banks numbered 694 as of Sept. 30 ? about 9.6 percent of all federally insured banks. At its peak in the first quarter of 2011, the number of troubled banks was 888, or 11.7 percent of all federally insured institutions.

? Bank failures have declined. In 2009, 140 failed. In 2010, more banks failed ? 157 ? than in any year since the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s. In 2011, regulators closed 92. This year, the number of failures has trickled to 51. That's still more than normal. In a strong economy, an average of only four or five banks close annually. But the sharply reduced pace of closings shows sustained improvement.

? Less threat of loan losses. The money banks had to set aside for possible losses fell 15 percent in the July-September quarter from a year earlier. Loan portfolios have strengthened as more customers have repaid on time. Losses have fallen for nine straight quarters. And the proportion of loans with payments overdue by 90 days or more has dropped for 10 straight quarters.

"We are definitely on the back end of this crisis," says Josh Siegel, chief executive of Stonecastle Partners, a firm that invests in banks.

The biggest boost for banks is the gradually strengthening economy. Employers added nearly 1.7 million jobs in the first 11 months of 2012. More people employed mean more people and businesses can repay loans. And after better-than-expected economic news last week, some analysts said the economy could end up growing faster in the October-December quarter ? and next year ? than previously thought.

That assumes Congress and the White House can strike a budget deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" ? the steep tax increases and spending cuts that are set to kick in Jan. 1. If they don't reach a deal, those measures would significantly weaken the economy.

Banks have also been bolstered by higher capital, their cushion against risk. Banks boosted capital 3.8 percent in the third quarter, FDIC data show. And the industry's average ratio of capital to assets reached a record high.

On the other hand, many banks are no longer benefiting from record-low interest rates. They still pay almost nothing to depositors and on money borrowed from other banks or the government. But steadily lower rates on loans other than credit cards have reduced how much banks earn.

"This interest-rate pressure on the banks becomes very difficult to overcome," says Fred Cannon, chief equity strategist and director of research at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. "It's a big headwind for banks."

Many banks have reported lower net interest margin ? the difference between the income they receive from loans and the interest they pay depositors and other lenders. It's a key measure of a bank's profitability.

The industry's average net interest margin fell to 3.43 percent in the third quarter from 3.56 percent a year earlier.

Some big banks have also cautioned that their earnings are up mainly because they've shed jobs, bad loans and weak businesses rather than because of an improved economy. They include JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. All managed to recover from the financial crisis in part because of federal aid.

Small and midsize banks have taken longer to rebound. They held risky commercial real estate loans used to develop malls, industrial sites and apartment buildings. Many such loans weren't repaid. But as the economy has strengthened, fewer such loans have soured, and many small and medium-size banks have recovered.

For example, at M&T Bank Corp., a regional institution based in Buffalo, N.Y., net income soared in the third quarter. M&T attributed its gain to reduced loan losses and higher mortgage revenue. The bank repaid the remaining $381 million of the $600 million in bailout aid it had received during the crisis.

Yet analysts say regional banks are still feeling squeezed from reduced borrowing by companies.

Many banks complain they've been hampered by new regulations, especially stricter requirements for the capital they must hold to protect against unexpected losses. Rules enacted after the crisis have compelled some banks to move more capital into reserves and reduce the amount available to lend.

Some of the biggest banks say their customers have held off on borrowing in part because of slower global growth and concern about the "fiscal cliff."

To avoid a collapse, some weak banks have sought mergers with larger institutions. In the July-September quarter, 49 banks were absorbed in mergers, up from 45 in the April-June quarter, FDIC data show.

The torrent of failures after the crisis and the increased mergers have thinned the number of banks to 7,181 with about 2.1 million employees as of Sept. 30. That compares with 8,451 banks with 2.2 million employees in the second quarter of 2008.

"The pressure is on to consolidate the industry," says Siegel of Stonecastle Partners. He thinks more than 1,000 banks will be absorbed within five to seven years.

Consider BancTrust Financial Group Inc., based in Mobile, Ala., with around $1.3 billion in assets. Burdened with bad loans tied to Florida real estate, the bank couldn't repay $50 million in federal bailout aid it received during the meltdown, and it struggled to stay profitable. So it decided to put itself up for sale.

It's now being acquired by Trustmark Corp in Mississippi, which has about $9.9 billion in assets. The acquisition will help Trustmark expand in Florida and Alabama.

"Some of the smaller (banks) are just throwing up the flag," says Cornelius Hurley, a former counsel to the Federal Reserve Board who heads Boston University's Center for Finance, Law and Policy.


To see a list of Bank failures in 2012, view this interactive: http://hosted.ap.org/interactives/2012/banks/

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-12-28-Fewer%20Bank%20Failures/id-b56478d2850a4433a30fbfe84ace731c

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বুধবার, ২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

How to cope with a slow connection away from home

39 min.

Q. ?I'm going home for the holidays, and my parents have a very slow connection. Do you have any tips for getting my work done effectively when everything's moving slower than molasses??

Separate your Internet-heavy work and postpone it?
Before you start making tweaks to your browser and computer, it's a good idea to take stock of what work you have and separate it into two categories. GigaOM explains:

Divide your tasks into bandwidth-heavy and bandwidth-light. Evaluate your routine web tasks and see which ones you can do with a slow connection, and which ones require a faster, more reliable one. This is especially important if your mobile Internet provider charges based on bandwidth usage instead of time. Aliza Sherman did something similar in a previous post, to help her work around bandwidth limits.

This is particularly useful if you know you're going to be stuck on a slow connection, but even if you get yourself in a bind, you can still do some re-prioritization quickly. If you have some Internet-heavy tasks that can't wait, you should delegate them to someone else if you can???heck, even offer to pick up some of your co-workers' Internet-light load if they can help you out.

Tweak your browser for low-speed connections
Chances are, your browser isn't exactly primed for slow Internet speeds. So, we recommend grabbing a second browser that you can tweak to work better with slow connections. Opera is a great choice, because it has a Turbo Mode that optimizes the Web for faster loading, but no matter what, there are a number of tweaks you can make to speed up your browser, like:

With these few tweaks in place, you should find things run a little smoother and you won't be stuck waiting for pages quite as long.

Use mobile, HTML or other low-footprint sites
These days, a lot of websites load up their pages with junk that isn't really a problem when you have a normal high-speed connection, but can really bog things down when your connection is limited. Some of them have alternatives in place.?

Gmail, for example, has a handy HTML version that you can use to cut down on the crap when you need to get into your email quicker. You can also see if a specific site has a mobile version, designed for smartphones. Most mobile sites will only load if you're actually on a mobile device, though, so you'll want to change your browser's user agent to make sites recognize you as a smartphone.

Work outside your browser whenever possible
The?more you stay in your browser, the longer you'll be waiting for pages to load. Travel website Gadling recommends transferring as much of that work outside your browser as possible. For example, if you write on a blog or do any work in Google Docs, transfer that to a desktop app like Microsoft Office or LibreOffice for the time being. Heck, you can even compose an email in Notepad while you wait for it to load???don't waste any time watching a progress bar when you could be doing something else.

When you do have to work in your browser, try not to put too much stress on it. Open one tab at a time, so you aren't trying to load a bunch of pages at once (since it'll take them longer, and you can only read one at a time). Close tabs you aren't using often, as they can often take up bandwidth even if you aren't looking at them.

Turn off bandwidth-sucking background apps?
With all the focus on your browser, you may forget that other apps like Dropbox might be taking up precious bandwidth in the background. Close any and all of those you don't need to do your work, or put them into offline mode so they aren't constantly checking if they need to sync. Some apps may require some foresight for this to work: Notational Velocity and ResophNotes will work fine without a connection, for example, but Evernote will require you to go into its settings and download your notebooks before it'll work in offline mode.

When all else fails, find better Wi-Fi?
No one wants to rush around all day trying to find better Internet, but if what you're using is just too slow, look elsewhere. Free Wi-Fi is everywhere, and if at first you don't succeed, find a faster hotspot. You won't be able to do this all day if you have work to get done, but you should be able to find something that's somewhat workable for the time being.

More from Lifehacker:

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/how-deal-slow-internet-connection-away-home-1C7660214

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

US warns against going to Central African Republic

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The State Department is warning U.S. citizens of the risks of traveling to the Central African Republic amid renewed rebel advances.

A travel warning issued Sunday also recommends against all but essential travel outside the capital, Bangui (bahn-GEE'). Increased rebel activity has led the State Department to authorize its non-emergency personnel in Bangui to leave.

The department's warning says armed militia groups, bandits and poachers present real dangers, and that the Central African Republic's government can't guarantee the safety of visitors in most parts of the country.

A rebel group that signed a peace accord in 2007 recently resumed fighting in a move intended to force the state to review the 6-year-old accord.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-warns-against-going-central-african-republic-144258938.html

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Family Tree Maker 2012 Sync problems - Message Boards ...

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রবিবার, ২৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Hope springs eternal: Will gambling finally come to the Nevele ...

roulette HZTThe long held dream of southern Ulsterites, that a full fledged gambling casino at the Nevele in Ellenville ? a dream that has, almost cruelly, been yanked from under their noses numerous time through decades, sort of like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football ? has reared itself again, the temptress once more rising from the fertile fields of promised revenue, jobs and community revitalization.

Michael Treanor, the new owner of the old Nevele Resort, hoping to revive the shuttered Ellenville-area destination as a casino, told a packed Ulster County Chamber of Commerce on December 18 that as far as he?s concerned, the odds that New York State will approve gambling in the coming years are now ?well above 50 percent.?

?It is going to happen and the Catskill Region is one of the targeted regions?The issue isn?t, is gaming coming to the Catskills. The issue is, where is it coming?? he said.

Later, Treanor spoke about how the economic damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy has increased the odds for downstate approvals of casino gambling, both in the state Senate and with the voting public via referendum.

He talked about discussions he?d been having in recent weeks with Albany officials that indicated the state will end up allowing two casinos apiece for New York City and the Catskills, with the former Monticello Raceway likely to get one of the latter slots out of seven possible for the entire state. But he added that the initial bills to be drafted by the legislature, with Governor Andrew Cuomo?s help, would likely not include any mention of place, the better to allow them passage.

On Wednesday, December 19, it was reported in the Albany Times Union that Cuomo said the same thing in discussions on Tuesday.

On the other side of the coin, Treanor acknowledged that his deal for the old hotel/resort is contingent on winning the casino sweepstakes. If not, he said, the keys go back to the mortgage holder.


$100,000 per month on PR

Treanor used his presentation to point out the economic benefits of his Nevele plans, from thousands of jobs, directly and indirectly, and a major influx of outside money into the county on a regular basis. He says he?s sewn up unanimous support to date from local politicians in the Ellenville/Wawarsing area, as well as from county legislators, along with backing from a variety of regional business associations. Ulster County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach, former mayor and manager of the Village of Ellenville, spoke on behalf of Treanor?s character. ?We vetted him already,? said Auerbach.

Treanor said he?s hired Albany lobbyists to work over state legislators and the governor, and is upgrading a $100,000 a month public relations campaign by opening a new Ellenville office and model hotel room for the new yet historic hotel in the coming month.

Treanor also pointed out how he was seeking LEED certification for his 452-room family-friendly resort, to be built in stages including a large temporary structure to go up as soon as gaming and he get state approvals, the better to provide the state with the revenue stream it wants, and added that he was in discussions with SUNY-Ulster and SUNY-New Paltz about setting up training courses for casino jobs in the coming years.

Treanor, who has developed casinos in Las Vegas, Florida and Taiwan, stressed several times that business leaders need to be behind his plan for it to succeed with Albany politicians, his first hurdle towards the okays he needs to move ahead. And he added, several times, how he?d simply walk away from the deal if casino gambling is not approved on a statewide basis.

?I?m here to ask for your support,? he said. ?I need people to be vocal. I need people to say, ?We have to have this. We need this.? Otherwise, I?m not going to get it and the county?s not going to get it.?

The fully refurbished Nevele Resort, Casino and Spa would be completed in 2019 and feature a 150,000-square-foot gambling casino,?a championship golf course, winter skiing and ice-skating, indoor and outdoor water parks, and other family-geared recreation.

Concurrent with his presentation, the old Homowack Lodge in Mamakating was taking bids on the auction block with United Country Absolute Auctions & Realty as ?an unprecedented opportunity? for an ?imaginative developer, operator or speculator? interested in possible gaming ?2.5 miles closer to NYC than the Nevele.? A closing must be completed by Feb. 15. As of press time, calls to the auctioneers regarding results went unanswered.

Source: http://www.woodstockx.com/2012/12/22/hope-springs-eternal-will-gambling-finally-come-to-the-nevele/

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শনিবার, ২২ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Develop A Bigger Online Brand Through These Internet Marketing ...

How do you handle online marketing? Do you view everything you can on the subject and try to improve upon promoting your business? Tools at your disposal on the subject of internet marketing include publications, seminars, periodicals and videos. So how do you put all this knowledge to use to create your own plan? The tips below may be a good start.

Take advantage of social media websites such as Facebook or Twitter and integrate them into your marketing strategy. These sites allow you to stay in constant touch with your customers, and allow an easy way to contact them to let them know about promotions or updates. However, make sure to not over-advertise on these websites. You should give them good quality content that will have a marketing message here and there.

Use a short promotion to help raise your PageRank on your eCommerce website. If your promotion is really stellar, you can essentially ?buy? PageRank, since your promotion may end up being linked from deals sites. This is just like selling loss leaders for money.

TIP! If you are using email marketing, you need to rotate links that are included in your correspondence. People will quickly lose interest if you keep sending out the same kind of emails.

If you want to run a good business on the internet, then you should find out what your competition is doing. You should research your rivals? sites and find what you can do better. If you see that your competition is not providing certain services on their websites, offer the same services on your site so that your customers will choose you over your competition.

To earn more cash you need additional subscribers. Use a split test to determine which of two marketing strategies is more successful. For instance, show one landing page to 50 people, and another to 50 different people. You can make a more informed decision after looking at the number of subscribers each page generated.

People will relate to your product more if you utilize emotional descriptions within your advertisements. This enables you to build brand recognition. Use language that consumers will view as favorable.

TIP! When you see a domain name that you want, be prepared and have money available to purchase it. You are not likely to find the same domain name as your company.

There is tough competition on the Internet from big companies. Do not just set prices and let them sit. Keep your finger on the pulse of the market and adjust prices as needed. Also set up an Internet storefront that clearly lays out everything you have for sale.

Develop your marketing plan and then slowly begin to put it into practice. Do you want to apply the things in this article for your business? Make sure you start utilizing your marketing plan to work for you. If so, do it today!

TIP! If you send emails out to customers, make sure your email is informative and encourages them to take specific action. Potential actions could be buying a service or product, subscribing to a magazine or visiting a web page.

Source: http://elektrotehnickifakultet.com/develop-a-bigger-online-brand-through-these-internet-marketing-ideas.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Tumblr Finally Launches Its iPad App

It's been a long time coming, but Tumblr has announced an update to its iOS app that finally makes it compatible with iPad and iPad mini. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/nRox1TlvYSM/tumblr-finally-launches-its-ipad-app

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Self-Help Equals A Happier You And A Happier Life | Rodt St ...

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012. Author : Max Cohen. 3 views.

The more you know about self improvement, the better version of yourself you can be. There are so many tips available on the topic of self improvement, and this article has just a few effective ones. Read on and apply what you learn.

If you feel you are not making progress, try to see specifically what is keeping you from it. This is a difficult task for many people. Nonetheless, when you are able to see the areas in which you need to improve, you will also be able to improve them. Removing obstacles in your life can help you get a clearer picture of what?s to come.

Find texts that help you. This could be a holy text for some people. For others, it could just a book of inspirational sayings. Being able to return to these books to find words of encouragement when necessary can improve your state of mind, and permit you to deal with life?s tribulations better.

Think of your personal development as a lifelong lifestyle change. If you spend all your time dreaming about what you want to happen in your life, yet do little to create that life, that life will never happen. Start working on your goals and do your best to make them come to fruition.

TIP! Live your life according to your values. Your personality is strongly shaped and supported by these principles.

The first step in changing is making a decision to change. When we consciously choose to change, it is easier to do so.

Wisdom and modesty are two integral components of life. Try to learn from choices you make in your every day life. Be sure to notice what things you can change and what you can not change and how those affect the outcome of your choices. Keeping a humble attitude will help you find your limits. Wisdom about your past will help you to succeed in the future.

Recognize that the person you are now is not the person you want to be. This is the beginning to starting a journey to a better you. Without this epiphany, you won?t be able to take the steps necessary to improve yourself.

When you want to improve yourself, you need goals. Don?t just think about them, either; write them down. Write it down if you want to achieve a certain goal. Come up with a list of things you could try to achieve these goals. Do your best to create the best environment for your success by looking for the kind of situations that will help you progress. By taking a methodical problem solving approach, you will increase the likelihood of meeting your goals.

TIP! One good tip when you are looking into personal development opportunities is to respect your body. Listen to your body?s cues.

When you?re looking for employment, having a degree is often essential. It typically does not matter what school that degree came from though. There are only very few exceptions to this rule, such as working with a large financial institution. Just get a college degree so that doors will open to you.

It is possible to learn how to cope in a crisis without letting your emotions take full control. If you can remain calm during stressful situations, you will feel confident enough to face anything. Take some time during your day to stop and take breaths.

Stop stressing yourself needlessly. Do not over-react to setbacks: this will only cause you more stress. Sometimes things will go wrong. Instead of being stressed, just deal with them.

Taking a few risks can help you feel happier. Many people get stuck in a zone that is comfortable so they do not risk failure or rejection, but the true risk is the loss of opportunities for personal growth. Risk taking is courageous, which is a necessary quality in finding happiness.

TIP! You can learn to control your emotions in a stressful situation. Develop techniques that will help you relieve stress and stay calm when difficulties arise.

Exercise is not just for people trying to lose weight. There are a variety of great reasons to exercise. Because physical activity stimulates production of feel-good chemicals in the body, a workout program may actually make you feel calmer and more positive.

An excellent self improvement suggestion is to always ensure you value what you think is best. Value the things you love the most and make them very important.

Selfless behavior is a big leap forward in your personal development. You can cultivate a strong, positive character, by learning how to make sacrifices for the sake of helping others. You will find this experience incredibly rewarding and helping others will open new possibilities for you.

Exercise is not just for people trying to lose weight. There are tons of reasons to exercise. People who exercise regularly are generally happier and more relaxed than their couch potato counterparts.

TIP! Leaders are strict and powerful, yet also humble. You can redirect people in a gentle way, and keep in mind that it is best to lead by example.

To get the biggest benefits from personal development, make sure to physically take care of your body. Simple activities like getting enough sleep, regular exercise and a healthy diet help your energy level remain high, giving you a greater chance of success on your self improvement quest. This sounds like obvious advice, but it?s sometimes hard to put into practice.

It is often helpful to focus on one single improvement at a time. Even if you have more than one area on which you wish to work, focusing on one area at a time will make it easier to succeed. Since new habits are most effective when introduced slowly, you are also more likely to having your changes stick around for the long term.

Use your strengths and patience to make difficult changes. No two people are alike and everyone is good at different things, which is part of what makes our world so diverse and interesting. Focus on the things you already know how to do and use them!

Many times, stress is the thing that robs people of happiness. When we are feeling stressed, our minds aren?t just affected. Our entire bodies are too. Stress is an obstacle to accomplishing one?s goal. Take the time out of your day to sit down and clear your head. Taking some time to renew will help you to stay calm, and will improve your self-confidence.

TIP! In order to succeed in personal development, you must change your attitude. A bad attitude can only lead you down the wrong path in life and prevent you from achieving all that you can.

In order to properly advance in matters of personal development, it is very important that you declare lowliness. When you accept that you are but a tiny speck in the scope of our universe, you can begin to realize that there is much to learn if you hope to advance. Once you adopt this mindset, you will be more open-minded and receptive to new knowledge, which will lead to self-improvement.

As stated in the introduction, self improvement consists of expanding your knowledge. You must also be able to apply that knowledge. There are many ways to begin personal growth. You should start feeling more confident when you apply a few of these hints.

This is a Guest Post. Read more about the author here: Click Here

Source: http://rodt-st.com/self-help-equals-a-happier-you-and-a-happier-life/

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News in brief: Possible planet looks habitable

News in brief: Possible planet looks habitable

Candidate body pushes limit of astronomical detection

Candidate body pushes limit of astronomical detection

By Alexandra Witze

Web edition: December 19, 2012



Five alien worlds bathe in the glow of the nearby star Tau Ceti (left) in this artist?s illustration of a reported new planetary system 12 light-years from Earth. The one in the foreground may lie in the star's habitable zone.

Credit: Credit: J. Pinfield/RoPACS/University of Hertfordshire

The closest single star like the sun ? Tau Ceti, 12 light-years away ? may harbor five planets slightly more massive than Earth. One may even lie in the star?s habitable zone.

Mikko Tuomi, of the University of Hertfordshire in England, and his colleagues examined data taken by telescopes in Chile, Hawaii and Australia that looks for wobbles in a star?s movement that could be due to planets? gravitational tug. Tuomi?s team ran statistical analyses to tease out possible planetary signals from background noise.

According to the analysis, Tau Ceti is surrounded by five planets that weigh between two and six Earth masses and take between 14 and 640 days to orbit the star. The one reported in the habitable zone is a five-Earth-mass planet with a period of 168 days.

Other astronomers say the method of pulling faint planetary signals out of background noise needs to be verified. The work will appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics.

M. Tuomi et al. Signals embedded in the radial velocity noise: periodic variations in the Tau Ceti velocities. Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press.
[Go to]

T. Lewis. Super-Earth joins ranks in life-supporting zone. Science News. Vol. 182, December 29, 2012, p. 9.
[Go to]

N. Drake. The alien next door. Science News. Vol. 182, November 3, 2012, p. 5.
[Go to]

N. Drake. Exoplanet pair orbits two stars. Science News. Vol. 182, October 6, 2012, p. 12.
[Go to]

Source: http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/347181/title/News_in_brief_Possible_planet_looks_habitable

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Scientists developing quick way to ID people exposed to ionizing radiation

Dec. 17, 2012 ? There's a reason emergency personnel train for the aftermath of a dirty bomb or an explosion at a nuclear power plant. They'll be faced with a deluge of urgent tasks, such as identifying who's been irradiated, who has an injury-induced infection, and who's suffering from both.

Unfortunately, there isn't a quick way to screen for people exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. There also isn't a quick way to distinguish between people suffering from radiation exposure versus an infection due to an injury or chemical exposure.

The most common way to measure exposure is a blood assay that tracks chromosomal changes. Another approach is to watch for the onset of physical symptoms. But these methods can take several days to provide results, which is far too late to identify people who'd benefit from immediate treatment.

A much faster way could be coming. Research conducted by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) could lead to a blood test that detects if a person has been exposed to radiation, measures their dose, and separates people suffering from inflammation injuries -- all in a matter of hours.

The Berkeley Lab team that's closing in on a faster way to identify people exposed to ionizing radiation. From left: Helen Budworth, Brandon Mannion, Andy Wyrobek, Antoine Snijders, Sandhya Bhatnagar, and Noah Schwartz.

The scientists identified eight DNA-repair genes in human blood whose expression responses change more than twofold soon after blood is exposed to radiation. They also learned how these genes respond when blood is exposed to inflammation stress, which can occur because of an injury or infection. Inflammation can mimic the effects of radiation and lead to false diagnoses.

The result is a panel of biochemical markers that can discriminate between blood samples exposed to radiation, inflammation, or both. The scientists believe these markers could be incorporated into a blood test that quickly triages people involved in radiation-related incidents.

They report their research in a paper recently published online in the journal PLOS ONE.

"In an emergency involving radiation exposure, it's likely that only a small fraction of all possibly exposed people will be exposed to high doses that require immediate medical attention," says Andy Wyrobek of Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division. "The goal is to quickly screen for these people so they can get treatment, and avoid overwhelming medical facilities with the larger number of people exposed to low levels of radiation with no immediate medical needs. Our research could lead to a blood test that enables this."

Wyrobek conducted the research with fellow Berkeley Lab scientists Helen Budworth and Antoine Snijders, as well as several other scientists from Berkeley Lab and other institutions.

Because DNA is one of the major targets of radiation, the Berkeley Lab scientists began their research by focusing on 40 genes that regulate the expression of proteins that carry out DNA-repair tasks. They studied these genes in blood samples taken from healthy people before and after exposing the samples to 2 Gray of X-rays per year, which is about the radiation dose received by radiotherapy patients. They found twelve genes that underwent more than a twofold change in response after exposure. From these, they isolated eight genes that had no overlap between unirradiated and irradiated samples.

The scientists also treated the blood samples with a compound that mimics inflammatory stress. This enabled them to account for gene-expression responses that could be mistaken for signs of radiation exposure, but which are actually caused by injury or infection. In addition, they irradiated a portion of these samples to learn how the genes respond to both inflammation and radiation.

To validate their findings, the scientists analyzed a separate dataset of blood samples that had also been irradiated. They found a close match between their own data and the independent dataset in how the eight genes respond after radiation exposure.

They also compared their findings to a large group of bone marrow transplant patients who received total-body radiation. Again, they found a close match between their data and the gene-expression responses of the patients after they received treatment.

More work is needed, but Wyrobek envisions a blood test using their biochemical markers could be administered via a handheld device similar to what diabetes patients use to check their blood sugar. The test could help emergency personnel quickly identify people exposed to high radiation doses who need immediate care, and people exposed to lower doses who only need long-term monitoring.

The research was funded largely by the Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Helen Budworth, Antoine M. Snijders, Francesco Marchetti, Brandon Mannion, Sandhya Bhatnagar, Ely Kwoh, Yuande Tan, Shan X. Wang, William F. Blakely, Matthew Coleman, Leif Peterson, Andrew J. Wyrobek. DNA Repair and Cell Cycle Biomarkers of Radiation Exposure and Inflammation Stress in Human Blood. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (11): e48619 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048619

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_health/~3/LRV_c2rN6CQ/121217152707.htm

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Still ill, Vonn heading home for midseason break

ALTA BADIA, Italy (AP) ? Lindsey Vonn is heading back to the United States for an unexpected break in the middle of the World Cup ski season and is unlikely to return to Europe until January.

U.S. women's coach Alex Hoedlmoser told The Associated Press on Monday that Vonn's heavy schedule has not allowed the four-time overall World Cup winner to recover from the intestinal illness that landed her in a hospital in Vail, Colo., last month.

Hoedlmoser said the timing of Vonn's return "depends on how she's feeling and exactly what her condition is."

"She's going home for now," Hoedlmoser said. "We'll have to see when she's ready. It's a little bit unknown, but the plan is to get her back strong. ... With the way the schedule has been and all the travel she just hasn't had a chance to get back to strength. We want her back at full strength."

Hoedlmoser said Vonn will miss this week's slalom and giant slalom races in Are, Sweden. The following races on the schedule are also technical races in Semmering, Austria, Dec. 28-29.

"It's possible she'll skip Semmering, so that would mean her next races would be in January," Hoedlmoser said. "It depends how she's feeling and exactly what her condition is."

Vonn won three consecutive speed races at Lake Louise, Alberta, this season, and a super-G in St. Moritz, Switzerland, on Dec. 8 for her 57th career World Cup win ? moving her within five of record-holder Annemarie Moser-Proell on the all-time list. But she fared poorly in both her races this past weekend in France.

On Friday in Val d'Isere, she had an uncharacteristic fall in the downhill, an event in which she's the Olympic champion. On Sunday in Courchevel, she fell again in the opening run of a giant slalom.

Immediately after Sunday's race, Vonn posted a note on Facebook: "Hit a rock on my left ski in the GS and skied off course...struggling to find the energy I usually have...going to think hard over the next few days about my plan for the coming weeks and how to get strong again. Trying to stay positive. Now I'm packing up the Audi and heading to the airport."

After Semmering, there is a special city event in Munich on New Year's Day and a slalom in Zagreb, Croatia, on Jan. 4, followed by speed races Jan. 12-13 in St. Anton, Austria ? on one of Vonn's favorite courses.

Depending on how many races Vonn misses, her chances of defending the overall title may be affected.

Vonn is fourth in the standings. Tina Maze of Slovenia leads with 799 points, followed by Maria Hoefl-Riesch of Germany at 468, Kathrin Zettel of Austria at 440 and Vonn at 414.

Vonn, however, might not miss any speed races, her specialty, so Hoedlmoser wasn't counting her out.

"In January there are plenty of races left for her," he said. "The goal is to get her back up in shape."

In last week's issue of People magazine, Vonn revealed she struggled with depression in 2008 and was prescribed an antidepressant. She added that she's happier these days.

"All the parts of my life are finally in sync," she said. "I accept who I am, and I'm moving forward."

Vonn separated from her husband of four years, Thomas, last year.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/still-ill-vonn-heading-home-midseason-break-173228420--spt.html

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Dermology Anti Aging Solution Skin Care | Health and Fitness Tips ...

Plastic surgeons are worried sick about this new skin-care option slashing their business but they can?t deny the facts. In many cases this unique product can not only postpone, it can even eliminate the need for injections or cosmetic surgery for many individuals whose only complaint is the appearance lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, age-spots, under-eye dark circles & puffiness and ?feather? lips that adds years to their face.

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Tags: anti aging product, Anti Aging Solution, anti-aging, Dermology Anti Aging Solution
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Source: http://www.hhtip.com/dermology-anti-aging-solution-skin-care/

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Geography Games for Kids: Board Games that Teach about the World

Are you looking looking for board games that are fun and educational for your kids? These geography games are outstanding to help kids learn about different countries, practice their map skills, and have fun with their family and friends.

Scrambled States Game- Kid World CitizenScrambled States

Loosely based on the book (there?s also a puzzle) by the same name, Scrambled States is described as a ?whimscal, mad-dashing geography game? for kids and families to play together. It is simple (the player who gets the most state cards wins), and looking at their map and while playing and completing the challenge cards, kids begin to understand the states? relationships to each other, distances, their size and shape, whether they are on a coast, touch Mexico or Canada, etc. Recommended for age 8+, but younger kids can play if they have help reading the state names (or can recognize the shapes of the states!).

Ticket to Ride Europe- Kid World CitizenTicket to Ride Europe, USA, Nordic Countries, or M?rklin Edition (Germany)

I grew up playing Rail Baron with my family, and so when I found this, I instantly liked it! With 240 train cars playing on a game board map, 2-5 players travel across the map building railway lines of different colors.? This is wonderful family board game because it is easy to learn and you can play it over and over.? You can buy these expansion kits to play with your trains/pieces from Ticket to Ride- Europe: Ticket to Ride- Asia, Ticket to Ride- India, and Ticket to Ride Heart of Africa! Ages 8+.

10 Days in Africa Geography Game- Kid World Citizen10 Days in Africa

This game come highly recommended by several friends, a homeschooling family, readers of KidWorldCitizen.org, and adoptive parents hoping to teach their kids about geography! The name kept popping up and now I am looking to buy one for my kids. The simple idea is to find the fastest route to travel across the region by making connections using various transportation methods. One of the reasons this game comes so highly recommended is that it is a simple concept with no little pieces, that is so fun, adults really enjoy it with the kids.? Also available: 10 Days in the USA, 10 Days in Asia, 10 Days in Europe, 10 Days in the Americas. Recommended for ages 8+, but my friends say they pair the younger kids with an older partner.

Name the Country- Kid World CitizenName that Country Game

This game was recommended to me by a 4th grade teacher, who likes to use geography games during recess on rain days. This board game has a world map and spinner built in, with cards that teach locations, capital cities, landmarks, and important facts about countries around the world. Players need to locate the country on the world map before moving on, and extra points can be earned from identifying their ?pen-pals?? countries (from separate postcards). Ages 6+.

USA Bingo Game- Kid World CitizeneeBoo USA Bingo

Finally a geography game for the really little ones! They?ll learn about the United States: their locations, their capitals, and their industries. While playing a Bingo game with a geographical twist, the game cards group the states into regions to teach kids the relative locations. We do lots of long car trips around the US, and finally the kids are at an age to remember and recognize the states? names- this reinforces the US geography in a fun way! Ages 4+.

**I did not receive any compensation or free items from this review, all opinions are my own!:)

I?m sure I?ve missed some great ones: what are your favorite geography games? Please leave them in the comments and I can update the list!

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Source: http://kidworldcitizen.org/2012/12/08/geography-games/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=geography-games

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Webcam update: Lucy goes freelance to full-time

FILE - In this Friday, June 8, 2012 file photo, Lucy Nicholls poses for a photograph at a graduate show in London. Since graduating in fashion over the summer, dissatisfied with how her university prepared her for real life, Lucy Nicholls has tried to make it in the freelance world ? trying out a variety of short-term gigs from merchandising to photo shoots. (AP Photo/Tim Hales, File)

FILE - In this Friday, June 8, 2012 file photo, Lucy Nicholls poses for a photograph at a graduate show in London. Since graduating in fashion over the summer, dissatisfied with how her university prepared her for real life, Lucy Nicholls has tried to make it in the freelance world ? trying out a variety of short-term gigs from merchandising to photo shoots. (AP Photo/Tim Hales, File)

LONDON (AP) ? Since graduating in fashion over the summer, dissatisfied with how her university prepared her for real life, Lucy Nicholls has tried to make it in the freelance world ? trying out a variety of short-term gigs from merchandising to photo shoots.

Jobs came to her, but she found she wasn't so good at going after jobs ? a vital skill to succeeding in the competitive environment of London freelance fashion.

"I felt I wasn't confident enough."


This is an update of Class of 2012, the AP's yearlong exploration of Europe's economic crisis through the eyes of five young graduates. Follow the class on its new Google plus page: http://apne.ws/ClassOf2012


So she plunged into trying to find a full-time job that would give her the experience she needed to succeed. She tried online job hunting sites and scanned Twitter feeds for openings, but found they weren't much help. She says her best chances came tracking individual companies' in-house websites.

She applied for vacancies at a trendy online fashion shop called Asos. Eventually she was invited to interview for a job as a merchandising and editorial assistant.

"Amazingly, I got it."


Follow The Class of 2012 on its new Google plus page: http://apne.ws/ClassOf2012


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10 TOP Google+ Photos for December 3

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It's your DAILY dose of TOP Google Plus photographs, which were chosen by an algorithm that combines automatic steps and manual curation. This means that the DAILY TOPs are NOT based solely on popularity, and users with a small number of followers have a chance to be featured in the TOP. We use Google+ API for the automatic steps; Jarek Klimek is responsible for curation and communication with the authors.

We strongly respect the authors and their rights. +Jarek Klimek contacts every photographer featured in all DAILY TOPs and if any author decides that he/she doesn't want to be featured in the TOP, we respect this absolutely.

Source: http://www.photoextract.com/plus-extract/2012/12/3

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